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Postcards from the Kitchen Islands

The Kitchen Islands are impossible to pin down geographically though they do
manifest physically.

They are created and uncreated in ever-changing fractal patterns through an infinite interplay between the inner and outer worlds of every human who has ever lived. 

Physical or temporal restrictions do not seem to apply. They do appear to follow some overarching design principles loosely mimicking the folds, valleys, and undulations of the mammalian brain.

Not all the Kitchen Islands have been explored or subjected to cartographic, anthropological or sociological scrutiny to discern their particularities­—and will most likely never be. In the desire to serve as a loose template
for explorations by others, I have undertaken to leave these “breadcrumbs” and record them as a series of Postcards from the Kitchen Islands.

If you wish to purchase aset of postcards simply send me an email at:

Human Rocket Fuel
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